The BloodPact , a 1930s inspired project.


BloodPact was a project that I did with another artist. We had worked on it together while we were both in lock down due to Covid. We met on twitter through a community we were both in for artists. They lived in London so I had trouble reaching them sometimes due the to time difference. We made it work though, and I would stay up late some nights just so I could get in touch with them.

We wanted to create characters that looked as if they were made in the 1930s. The art style was called rubber hose, and back then it was used due to a limitation in animation. But we wanted to do it intentionally.

Early on some struggles we ran into were that we kept having a hard time getting our art styles to mesh. Ultimately though, we came up with a solution we think worked for the both of us. They would draw all of their designs in pro-create, then send them to me. I would go into illustrator and vector-ize everything with the pen tool. Thus giving it a look that would be more streamline. On top of that I was contributing my own designs as well. We wanted to make sure that we split up the work equally.

Here is a selection of some of my favorites, and some of the materials we used to showcase the art on twitter.

We were interviewed on a podcast when the project was getting some buzz. We amassed a following of 1.5k when the project was at it’s peak.


GameBoy Designs


Photo Manipulation